Cultivating Forest Health for Future Generations

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Our Services

Birdseye Forestry provides a full array of services for landowners to achieve the ownership goals.

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Current Use Consulting

Current Use enrollments, transfers, discontinuances, and withdrawals. We make navigating the Current Use Program simple for landowners.

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Forest Management

Management Plans:  Management plans for landowners to implement thoughtful, intentional management of their land. Management recommendations are based on the landowner’s objectives and the natural resources present on the property. Birdseye management plans are written to meet and exceed the standards required for Current Use, American Tree Farm, NRCS cost-share funding, and conservation easements.

Boundary Location & Maintenance: Locating and clearly marking boundary lines benefits both you and your neighbors. Well-maintained boundaries prevent timber theft and other trespasses from occurring.

Inventory, Timber Appraisals, & Tap Counts: Forest inventory and timber appraisals are used to determine the current volume and value of standing timber on a property. Timber appraisals helps landowners with estate settlement, tax basis determination, and land sale or acquisition.

Birdseye offers Timber Trespass Valuations in the unfortunate event that your property is involved with any kind of unauthorized harvesting.

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Timber Sale Planning & Management

Planning active management is an important decision to any landowner and one that may only happen once or twice during an ownership tenure. Active management can help to make owning land more economically feasible while attaining other management goals. Active management is a powerful tool that can increase the health/diversity of a forest, increase the diversity of wildlife habitat present, and create a network of trails that can be used post-harvest for recreation.

Birdseye’s timber sale administration includes: contract preparation & oversight, compliance with state and local laws, marking of timber to be cut, trail layout & resource protection, and oversight of remediation post-harvest.

Birdseye has strong professional relationships with regional sawmills and log yards. This allows us to market your forest products to the highest possible value. Birdseye only works with reputable, qualified contractors who have a high level of work, fiscal, and stewardship ethics.

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Detailed property maps showing trials, natural resources, and other features aid with planning and are also very aesthetic. Birdseye offers historical orthophoto maps that give historical context to your property and show land use changes over time. Large format paper maps, Google Earth files, and interactive digital maps that can be used on a mobile device are all offered.

Get In Touch

Have questions or need a consultation?

Contact us today to discuss how Birdseye Forestry can help you manage your land sustainably.

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